This section is where you capture your impact management Priorities, Activities, and Questions. This is simple, like a captain's log for your journey toward achieving better outcomes and will become increasingly valuable over time.


To start, use the Questions section to capture any questions you have related to the impact your company might have. By documenting your questions as you go, you'll be able to more easily manage who you need to engage, and capture what you've learned along the way.

E.g. what's the right benchmark to use for our carbon footprint? Who else needs to be involved in this work?


Use the Activity section to track specific activities you plan to do to advance your impact management. These can be simple and should help resolve Questions or advance your understanding and management of impact in the company

e.g. Work with HR to initiate DEI survey. Ask marketing for a list of campaigns and publications reference our impact. Ask the product team what metrics and data they track about how our customers benefit.


Finally, the Priorities section is likely one of the last sections you will fill out. It represents a distillation of where impact most matters for your company and how you want to address it. It's fine if you have no idea what this is to start. You'll find your way here as you work through other parts of the Mission OS and engage with your colleagues.

e.g. Implement DEI survey; Establish diversity targets for organization, management, and board; Establish carbon footprint baseline; Integrate ESG considerations in purchasing agreements; Complete an ethics review of our current and proposed products.

<aside> 💁 Questions? Ask anytime. Email [email protected]. Schedule support call: ☎️ 30 minutes | ☎️ 60 minutes
